Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen, and philosophers and divines." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (Self-Reliance)
Since I report on American education, including the intellectual lassitude of American voters, foreign observers routinely ask me: Why Do Republicans Gleefully Embrace ____ (fill in the crude synonym of your choice) as Presidential candidates? As a fiscally conservative, socially moderate, free-market-loving, independent, who supports an anonymous God-based program for those raised in alcoholic homes, and who has demonstrated no great love for the #Occupy movement or the business-bashing, pro-welfare, deficit-expanding policies of Democrats in general, and this President in particular (whosenomination I opposed precisely because of his short tenure in Congress and insufficient executive experience, in or out of government), I too ask myself this question.
But the question naturally raises an even larger question: How can a country, with the world's highest national GDP, and absurdly complex systems regulating everything from credit default swaps to nuclear missile safety, even allow onto its national stage men and women of such transparently inferior intellect?
The easy answer is that there has always been a long, pathetic history of anti-intellectual paranoia in American politics, as Richard Hofstadter documented in his book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1963). It is like kudzu. You just can't kill it. No matter how advanced the U.S. becomes in technology, biomedicine, and weaponry, it not only attracts, but promotes, under the rubric of equal opportunity, a confederacy of dunces as Presidential candidates.
As Mr. Hofstadter made clear, and I made very clear in my semi-tongue-in-cheek Crotty Farm Report editorial, "Idiot-In-Chief", this tendency is not the exclusive province of Republicans. Democrats have had their share of dolts as presidential candidates, including the race-baiting Al Sharpton (who gained fame not only because of his all-too-frequent civil rights protests, but because he claims to be "Keepin' It Real"; read: not formally educated) and Democrat-turned-Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond (whose 1948 campaign slogan was "Segregation Forever"). And, God knows, the occasionally clownish Joe Biden doesn't always come across as the sharpest tool in the shed. And though Democrats have generally not elected presidential dolts, the anti-intellectual bias of many voters has forced Democrats to dumb down their rhetoric, such as Clinton's Bubba shtick (with his references to "pig in pokes" and other aw-shucks inanities to cover up his policy brilliance) and Obama's deliberate dropping of the letter "g" ("stop complain', stop grumblin'") to appeal to the "Average Joe."
But behaving like a dolt to win votes is very different from actually being one. And, in this respect, the 2011 version of the God-fearing Ossified Party has rolled out the greatest assortment of Know-Nothings in its long history, most of whom share a singular misconception: because I can do one small thing well (e.g., run a pizza chain), I can handle the world's most demanding occupation.
At first blush, one thinks this embrace of incompetence has something to do with the uniquely American idea that anyone from any background can become President. It's an old saw told to almost every young person in the country. I believed it. I also believed that I would be an astronaut or a professional basketball player.
However, reason suggests, that when a clear-headed adult, with no experience in national politics, no reputable training in public policy -- as opposed to a bastion of Christian zealotry like the former Oral Roberts School of Law, which Michele Bachman attended - and/or little understanding of the world outside U.S. borders, says that he or she is running for President, his or her reasonable adult compadres should rightly say, "You are suffering from delusions of grandeur." After all, you need advanced degrees to properly practice medicine, law, and nuclear physics. Why would we expect the Leader of the Free World to have anything less than the highest possible qualifications for such an elevated job opening?
However, only in America is no training or knowledge required to perform a job that is not only more complicated and demanding than the above three fields, but which regulates the above three occupations and all sorts of other complex and nuanced occupations around the globe (including undercover agents in foreign lands).
That is only the beginning. What is far more troubling is that you can attract a huge amount of support in this country precisely because you lack qualifications to be president. This "anti-elitist" trope is, in effect, the raison d'etre of all so-called "outside-the-Beltway" campaigns of recent vintage, including the social-media-driven campaign of the current occupant of the Oval Office, Barack "57 States" Obama.
However, to fully grasp why inexperience and incompetence have such an emotional hold on Republicans in particular you have to understand a core principle of conservative orthodoxy: intelligence equates with moral relativism. Which is why, after twice-electing a genuine, but fatally corrupt, thinking person in Richard Nixon, the Republican Party moved away from its historically pragmatic moderation (Coolidge, Eisenhower) in search of morally doctrinaire ideologues. Naturally, this paved the way for conservative extremists, who, while short on smarts -- or perhaps because they were short on smarts -- stuck to "conservative principles" like maggots to rotting meat. As my late conservative Republican mother told me when I asked her why she rabidly supported such an obvious dullard as George W. Bush, "Because I don't trust the smart ones."
Ronald Reagan became the first of many morally unambiguous and intellectually unambitious candidates to warm the cockles of conservative hearts. Yes, with this post-Nixon strategy, the dwindling GOP intellectual fringe (historically held up by William Buckley and barely maintained to this day by the likes of David Brooks and Peggy Noonan) has had to stomach an occasional faux pas (e.g., Reagan's simple but kindly predecessor, Gerald Ford, claiming in a 1976 presidential debate that "there is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe"), or gasp-inducing ignorance of foreign policy basics (e.g., Sarah Palin not knowing that there is a North and South Korea, or her hysterical notion that Sputnik bankrupted the Soviet Union). But, at least they knew their standard-bearers were not going wishy-washy on them (i.e., thinking hard for a living).
This gambit worked so well with Reagan, it naturally attracted other knuckleheads. First came George Bush Sr.'s running mate, William Danforth Quayle, who promptly showed his latent mediocrity by publicly telling a Trenton 6th-grader that he needed to add an "e" to the spelling of "potato."
Thereafter, Quayle was the butt of many late night jokes. However, he lacked the earnest believability of a Reagan to ever accede to the Oval Office (though he did have a fairly hot wife). It took two terms of an intelligent commander-in-chief, and another moral equivocator, former law professor Bill Clinton, for the Republicans to search again for an unequivocal moral crusader with not a whole lot going on upstairs.
Enter born-again believer, George W. Bush, who, like Reagan, also enjoyed two terms in office, despite beliefs in brazen poppycock such as Intelligent Design and in the whopper of all disastrous absurdities, that Saddam Hussein was not only marshaling weapons of mass destruction to directly attack the U.S. (no, he was bluffing to deter his real enemy, neighboring Iran), but that Saddam was also behind 9/11 (never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Mr. Cheney?). Only a true rube could believe such nonsense. And "Dubya" -- who exemplified the adage, "Never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity" -- fit the bill. The Republican Party loved him for it, bending over backwards to sanitize and "Hannitize" Mr. Bush's many blunders, while linguistically repackaging his disinformation for a gullible American public still in shock from the attacks of 9/11.
At last count, the Iraq Detour has cost this nation trillions of dollars (with more trillions to come, as this country keeps its commitment to care for tens of thousands of wounded and mentally shell-shocked Iraq War vets and their loved ones). It also cost the lives of 125,000 Iraqi civilians, and many times more than that who've been wounded or displaced by the Iraqi misadventure. All because of the Bush administration's invocation of the Big Lie and Americans' incurious willingness to either believe that Big Lie or not forthrightly contest it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the empirical cost of stupidity.
After the costly policy blunders of Bush, Jr. -- for which this country is still paying dearly in lower credit ratings and draconian cuts in funding for parks, libraries, law enforcement, and more -- in came yet another Democratic law professor to clean up yet another Republican mess. Except this Democrat, Barack Obama, did not carry the moral and ethical baggage of his Democratic predecessor, Mr. Clinton.
However, for reasons racial and political, though primarily intellectual (Mr. Obama is too cosmopolitan, too worldly, too nuanced, too emotionally intelligent, too Europe-friendly, too suspiciously secretive about things like transcripts and birth certificates), Republicans, from the get-go, have aggressively sought to cut Obama's tenure short. To mask the intellectual inadequacies of most of their own candidates, they've tried to lower the intellectual standing of the President, mocking, for instance, his work as a "community organizer" (not a signifier of one's intelligence or lack thereof) or his frequent use of a Teleprompter (a crutch, for sure, but not necessarily a sign of this President's intellectual stature, but, rather, a reflection of his general demeanor, which is to be cautious and precise when it comes to formal public statements that might affect U.S. standing in the world).
Unable to directly assail the cognitive capabilities of Mr. Obama -- and, because of Obama's middle class roots, unable to brand him an "elitist" as they did with Mr. Gore in 2000 and Mr. Kerry in 2004, despite Mr. Bush's more "elitist" pedigree (Yale's Skull and Bones, anyone?) -- Republicans have resorted to the lowest form of argument, guilt by tangential association. This is how the incendiary comments and actions of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers are deviously applied to Mr. Obama.
However, this line of argument is akin to saying that Mr. Romney is responsible for the actions, beliefs, and statements of convicted rapist, Warren Jeffs, because Mr. Romney and Mr. Jeffs are both devout practitioners of the Mormon faith. Or that Jimmy Carter was directly responsible for the boorish behavior of his brother Billy Carter. Or that Gerald Ford was responsible for the alcoholism of his wife, Betty Ford. Or that each of us is responsible for the statements and actions of each of our good friends, family members, business partners, or spiritual advisors. Sometimes, for myriad and complex reasons, we stand behind people whose actions or statements may not always live up to our standards. I would think that the Republican Party, so deeply imbued as it is with Christian principles, would grasp this concept of "forgiveness" implicitly.
Unfortunately, not only does the Republican Party, and its mouthpieces on AM Radio and Fox News, fail to grasp this Christian notion, but they also find themselves without a bona fide, morally unequivocal, conservative with enough general election appeal to take Obama on. Each hopeful successor to the Republican Simpleton Throne (the coveted RST) has proven so cartoonishly dopey as to offend even the intelligence of diehard Iowa primary voters, easily the most unbending conservatives in the U.S. By contrast, the eminently intelligent and qualified John Huntsman and Ron Paul (among the smartest, most morally upstanding candidates in the current GOP field) make too much intellectual sense to ever gain traction with most Republican voters, let alone GOP media.
Things are now so bad on the lunkhead front that, in a new poll, Iowans are no longer interested in the current crop of Republican cretins. This includes Texas Governor Rick "Oops" Perry, who, in acolossal boneheaded moment in a live nationally televised debate, could not remember the third federal agency he would cut as president.
In an empirical validation of the anti-intellectual streak in GOP Politics, Perry then went on national talk shows the following morning to defend his gaffe as a reason to vote for him. On CNN's "American Morning," Perry said, "We've got a debater-in-chief right now, and you gotta ask yourself: 'How's that working out for America?'" In other words, being a good debater, and knowing the issues, is bad for America.
This entertaining parade of boobs and clods also includes Michele "Pray the Gay Away" Bachmann, who believes that "Founding Fathers" like John Quincy Adams "worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States" (except J. Q. Adams died in 1848, long before "slavery was no more"). Even though the self-righteous Bachmann is a native of Waterloo, Iowa, voters in the Hawkeye State just cannot see trusting her with the codes to the U.S. nuclear arsenal (trusting a Creationist like Bachmann on any public policy is akin to trusting a phrenologist with curing your cancer).
And, yes, until recently, this list also included the endlessly entertaining Herman "I'm Not Supposed to Know Anything About Foreign Policy" Cain, whose inability to construct a coherent sentence on Libya and stated desire to prevent an already nuclear-armed China from "going nuclear" are now part of national nitwit folklore.
Moreover, lets not forget the deeply annoying Rick "Sanctum" Santorum, who said publicly that former P.O.W. John McCain "didn't understand advanced interrogation techniques. A Republican simpleton hallmark: arrogance wed to ignorance.
As a result of such transparently benighted stooges, Iowa Republicans, and conservatives in general, have, of late, reluctantly embraced a bona fide shyster in the Nixon mold: the pompous nastiness known as Newt Gingrich. As I made clear in my previous Forbes column, Darth Gingrich Vs. the Romney Ken Doll, the Republican nomination is now a race between Gingrich and Romney (with Paul's amazing ground army possibly winning him Iowa, then fading into oblivion). However, once the baggage of the former Speaker is laid out for all to see, the nomination will likely tilt back to the Massachusetts Mormon, where's it's been for most of this election cycle.
Now, you might ask, why aren't Republicans in love with Mr. Romney? After all, at Bain Capital, Romney was a successful CEO in the Republican mold, downsizing companies to their bare essentials and then reselling them for profit. He has that vague, detached, tall Ken Doll vibe that Republicans idealized in Reagan. In addition, as a devout Mormon, he's squeaky clean in the morals department. Dude doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs, or drink hot caffeinated beverages. He's more straight edge than the Crotty, and that is saying something.
Unfortunately, Romney, a Harvard graduate, is not seen simple enough. Though he and his Mormon faithful believe in preposterous canards (e.g., that Jesus Came to America), Romney consistently demonstrates a frustrating lack of imbecility, particularly in the artful compromises he's engineered over his political career, including his momentous achievement of passing mandatory health insurance in his adopted home state of Massachusetts. This subtlety of purpose is anathema to politically and morally unambiguous conservatives, who see the world in great big Murdoch-style tabloid dualities. Or, to paraphrase Mr. Binary, George W. Bush (himself a Harvard MBA grad and proof of the adage, "many are schooled but few are educated"), "you are either with us or you are with the evil-doers."
Which makes the sudden conservative Republican embrace of Mr. Gingrich so ironic. Because, even more than Mr. Romney, it is Mr. Gingrich who has demonstrated enormous flexibility in his core conservative principles. He voted for NAFTA and the WTO; loan guarantees for China; most favored nation status for China; $1.2 billion in aid to the United Nations; and the creation of the Department of Education. Moreover, he reached across the aisle to make deals with Democrat Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, while compromising on global warming with Democrat Nancy Pelosi (which he has since pathetically renounced in an attempt to appeal to the Hannity-Bennett blockhead wing of the GOP). Recently, he attacked Paul Ryan's budget plan as "right-wing social engineering" (before backing off that claim as well).
What Mr. Gingrich's actions prove are not his electability, but, rather, the catastrophic absurdity of the Conservative fealty test. Like other fealty tests in American history (from Truman's Executive Order 9835, a.k.a. the "Loyalty Order," to Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, right up to Herman Cain's Muslim Loyalty Test), it is bound to end badly for the candidate, the party, and the country, which is governed best when the commander-in-chief is given enormous flexibility to do the practical, diplomatic, and, thus, smart, thing, not the ideologically pure one.
Cross-posted from Forbes.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Propaganda Tv ad for the American viewer: Denver - Nuclear Iran

Iraq war: Predictions vs. reality

With nearly two million Iraqis displaced, tens of thousands dead and more than 4,500 US soldiers killed, the overall result of the war on Iraq may not be what the US bargained for.

Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane has been looking back at the promises and predictions that were made by Washington nine years ago.


Monday, December 12, 2011

"DIY firm Lowe's in row over Muslim-American reality TV"

DIY firm Lowe's in row over Muslim-American reality TV

The Amen family in a promo picture from TLCThe Amen family of Dearborn includes a fiance who is converting from Catholicism

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Home improvement retailer Lowe's is facing criticism after removing advertising from a reality TV show showcasing American Muslims.
The company pulled ads from All-American Muslim after complaints from the Florida Family Association.
The cable TV show portrays the lives of five families in Dearborn, Michigan, a city known for its Muslim and Arab population.
Lowe's issued an apology, but did not say it would re-advertise on the show.
The North Carolina-based company said in a statement it apologised for having "managed to make some people very unhappy".
"It appears that we managed to step into a hotly contested debate with strong views from virtually every angle and perspective," the firm said.
"As a result we did pull our advertising on this program. We believe it is best to respectfully defer to communities, individuals and groups to discuss and consider such issues of importance."
In a statement on its website, the Florida Family Association called All-American Muslim "propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda's clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values".
The association asked members to send emails to companies that ran advertisements during the show.
According to the association, adverts from many other firms are no longer appearing during the programme. However, while many firms buy adverts to run at any time, Lowe's said it pulled adverts bought specifically for broadcast during All-American Muslim.

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I'm saddened that any place of business would succumb to bigots and people trying to perpetuate their negative views on an entire community”
Suehaila AmenAll-American Muslim participant
The Learning Channel, which broadcasts the programme, features several reality shows focusing on the everyday lives of subjects viewed by many as controversial or outside the mainstream.
They include a polygamist family in Sister Wives, and the Duggars, a conservative Christian family with 19 children on 19 and Counting.
The channel describes All-American Muslim as "a powerful series that goes inside the rarely-seen world of American Muslims to uncover a unique community struggling to balance faith and nationality in a post 9/11 world".
'Extreme disappointment'
Keith Ellison, one of only two Muslim congressmen, said withdrawing the advertisements was "disappointing".
"The success of All-American Muslim shows how ready the country is to learn about Muslims as Americans," he said in a statement.
"This probably makes hate-mongers uncomfortable - as they should be," Mr Ellison, a Democrat who site in the House of Representatives for a Minnesota district.
Mr Ellison was among those who signed a petition calling on Lowe's and other advertisers to resist calls to step aside from opponents of the show.
Suehaila Amen, whose family is featured on All-American Muslim, told the Detroit News on Sunday she was disappointed by the retailer's decision.
"I'm saddened that any place of business would succumb to bigots and people trying to perpetuate their negative views on an entire community," she said.
Ted Lieu, a Democratic state senator from California, said he was considering calling for a boycott of Lowe's, a pledge already made by Twitter users using the hashtag #boycottlowes.
"The show is about what it's like to be a Muslim in America, and it touches on the discrimination they sometimes face. And that kind of discrimination is exactly what's happening here with Lowe's," Mr Lieu said.
The Michigan director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Dawud Walid, said his group felt "extreme disappointment" but was working on resolving the situation with the help of non-Muslim allies.
"I will be picking up the phone tomorrow to some of our friends and allies to explain the situation to them," Mr Walid said on Sunday.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Charges Against Men Police Link to Hate Group - News1130

Charges against men police link to hate group - News1130

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Charges against men police link to hate group

One man's accused of setting someone on fire

Dave White Dec 09, 2011 11:17:42 AM
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VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - Police are linking two men from the Lower Mainland to an international organized hate group called 'Blood and Honour,' which is responsible for racially motivated attacks around the world.

The men are accused in crimes against four local victims.

After an horrific attack in February, Detective Constable Terry Wilson with the BC Hate Crime Team says 25-year-old Robertson de Chazal has now been charged with aggravated assault.

"[He allegedly set] a Filipino man on fire. The 25 year old victim fell asleep on a discarded couch near the intersection of Commercial Drive and 5th Avenue in Vancouver," he says. "Mr. de Chazal and two other men were observed by witnesses allegedly lighting the victim on fire. The suspects allegedly fled the scene before arrival. The victim sustained injuries to his arms, face, and neck."

A second man has been arrested in connection with this incident but hasn't yet been charged and therefore can't be identified.

de Chazal is also charged with assaulting a black man in September, 2009, knocking him unconscious

Meanwhile, 25-year-old Shawn MacDonald is accused in assaults dating back to 2008 on a black man, an hispanic man, and an aboriginal woman.

MacDonald and de Chazal have been released on conditions.

Showing off a table covered in flags and t-shirts covered in swastikas, Wilson says it's not illegal to be part of an organized hate group.

"It's not illegal to belong to these groups. It's not illegal to have the paraphernalia you see here," he says. "But if these beliefs motivate you to commit criminal offences, that's when we become involved. When they become criminal offences, that's when we look at the motivation."

He says that motivation through membership can be used against an accused in court to label their offence a hate crime.

"If you belong to an organized hate group in BC we will know about you and if you commit crimes we will come and get you," warns Wilson.

None of the allegations against de Chazal or MacDonald have been proven in court.

Toronto's Dr. Abbee Corb is a global expert in white supremacy and radicalization. She says people should not be surprised these types of attacks happen in Canada.
While she says it's difficult for any expert to track down numbers, Corb points out these types of groups can be found across the country.

She says most hate crimes are committed by individuals with their own beliefs or who often have their beliefs fueled by groups posting material online.

"Hate crimes are very, very under-reported across Canada. People are afraid, at times, to reach out, because the hate crime doesn't just affect the person, it affects the community."

Corb says organized hate groups are very careful and know legal loopholes to make sure they get away with actions supporting their cause.

Meanwhile, Wilson says the local sect of 'Blood and Honour' is not connected to a white supremacist march that was planned but cancelled in Downtown Vancouver earlier this year.
He says there are up to 15 members of the group in this province that police are aware of.
There's another group in B.C. he says his team often investigates but is refusing to name it.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


"The love and lust over materialistic thing's made by people who are enslaved to work long day's just to be able to put a plate of food on the table and this doesn't include breakfast or lunch. A society of madness and the list goes on. People are driven to even trample and kill one another over fad's. What happen to the day's of kindness of allowing your fellow person of going first?....."

Friday, October 14, 2011

"Canadian cities brace for Occupy Wall Street’s weekend shift across the border"

Canadian cities brace for Occupy Wall Street’s weekend shift across the border

Toronto and other major cities are bracing for the Canadian echo of the Occupy Wall Street protest this weekend.
Thousands of people have been camped out in New York's financial district for a week, staging marches to protest the growing gap between America's super rich and the harried middle and working classes. Hundreds have been arrested.
The movement, sparked by an idea inVancouver-based Adbusters magazine last summer, has since spread to dozens of American cities and now is migrating north. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Regina and even sleepy Charlottetown are scheduled to see protests on Saturday.
Toronto will be the main focal point of the Canadian effort. Protesters are expected to converge at King and York Streets in the heart of Canada's finance and investment centre Saturday morning.
The group OccupyTO's website raises the spectre of a New York-style long-term action rather than a one-day protest.
"OccupyTO is a movement that will start on October 15th, 2011 that intends to show our solidarity with the Occupy Wall St. movement and stand in unity with the rest of the world to seek and work towards drastic changes to economic systems that are destroying our economy, social fiber, and environment," it says in a statement.
Toronto police have said little publicly other than they're prepared for the protest. The city and police service are still dealing with the fallout from the G20 summit protests, where hundreds were corralled and arrested after so-called Black Bloc militants trashed downtown businesses and police cruisers and some officers have been accused of assault.
The Toronto Sun reported "hard-core U.S. protesters" hoping to take part in the Toronto action will be stopped at the border.
"Our primary goal is that of public safety and facilitating a peaceful protest," Toronto police spokesman Mark Pugash told the Sun.
"Despite the organizers' best intentions, some are concerned anarchist protesters from the Black Bloc and other groups could co-opt the protest and turn it into yet another G20-style standoff between police and protesters," according to
Protest supporter Thomas Zaugg told Inside Toronto organizers don't want to confront police.
"We have a peaceful message that's non-violent and in keeping with the message of Occupy Wall Street," he said.
An online petition is calling for police restraint.
"Perhaps, if the Occupy Toronto actions go well, the rift between Toronto and its police that opened as a result of the 2010 G20 meeting can begin to heal," the CBC reported.
The Occupy Toronto Market Exchange Facebook page stresses the protest's non-violent nature.
Vancouver, which has barely recovered from last spring's Stanley Cup riot, is likely to be the next biggest protest site this weekend.
The city's downtown art gallery, the traditional site of demonstrations, will be the main venue, the CBC reported. Activists have reportedly said they'll occupy the site for several weeks.
Organizers say they want to create a welcoming space to address the economic issues that sparked the movement.
"We are also committed to safeguarding our collective well-being — including safety from interpersonal violence and any potential police violence," the organizers said on their website.
Vancouver's Downtown Business Improvement Association has warned members to clear their display windows.
"This is not business as usual," spokesman Charles Gauthier told CTV News. "We don't expect anything to go wrong but unfortunately there could be a criminal element that could take advantage of this."
The Vancouver Police Department said it has talked to "self-identified organizers" and its planning for the weekend protest is continuing despite not knowing how many will show up.
"Legal protests and demonstrations in Vancouver are welcome, and people are free to gather in any public space as long as their actions are legal," said Const. Jana McGuinness.
In Calgary, protesters have already set up camp at St. Patrick's Island, near downtown. The city said it will assess the camp daily to ensure there are no health or safety concerns.
(AFP Photo)